UA Pay It Forward Group Earns Nazareth $1000
On May 4, Dr. Kathy Feltey’s Hunger and Homelessness students made presentations on behalf of their service-learning projects — ACCESS, Inc., Rebuilding Together, Boys and Girls Clubs, Harvest Home, Nazareth Housing, OpenM and Safe Landing Youth Shelter.
Judges chose the Nazareth Housing project as the winner, so the student team presented a $1,000 check to Nanci Self, its executive director, and Keith Harris, its project specialist. The money will be used to purchase a portable generator so that volunteers can rehab houses even when the electricity has been disconnected. (Pictured above are, from left, Keith Harris, Sam Endrizzi, Gabrielle Schramm, Nanci Self, Jelena Bogunovic, Scott Swiatek and Kathy Feltey.)
The judges on May 4 were Bernie Rochford, Oriana House; Dave Lieberth, retired deputy mayor of Akron; and Katie Smucker and Kathy Booth of Women’s Endowment Fund of the Akron Community Foundation.
The Pay it Forward program enhances service-learning classes by giving students the opportunity to help fund the projects they create at nonprofits. United Way of Summit County funds the program at UA. For more information about service learning or Pay it Forward, contact Theresa S. Beyerle at ext. 2154 or tsb4@uakron.edu.